Recette Kéfir

Kéfir - Recettes simples pour la maison. Saccharomyces kefir and Torula kefir, two yeasts used to make kefir, ferment lactose into a small amount of alcohol and carbon dioxide, which is responsible for the carbonation. Kefir is the name of the fermented milk beverage made from "kefir grains." What's unique about it is that no other cultured milk product uses these grains, which is a special mixture of beneficial bacteria. Kefir is a cultured, creamy product with amazing health attributes. Kefir's tart and refreshing flavor is similar to a drinking-style yogurt, but it contains beneficial yeast as well as friendly 'probiotic' bacteria. Learn to make probiotic-rich milk kefir at home with our how-to video and instructions.

Kéfir Save money using milk kefir grains to make homemade milk kefir. Kefir is a probiotic drink made by fermenting milk. Kefir contains actively growing bacteria and yeast.

Vous pouvez faire cuire Kéfir avec 5 épices et 4 étapes. Voir le guide suivant!

Ingrédients de Kéfir:

  1. 100 g grains de kéfir de fruit.
  2. 1/2 citron bio.
  3. 2 cs sucre.
  4. 2 fruits secs (figue, abricot).
  5. 1 L eau (minéral, filtrée ou robinet avec peu de chlore).

Their effect on milk results in production of enzymes and chemicals that affect the way food is digested. Kefir is a yogurt-like drink that has experienced a recent wave of popularity. It is said to control blood sugar and This MNT Knowledge Center article explains the potential health benefits of kefir. Borrowed from Russian кефи́р (kefír); see that entry for more.

Comment cuisiner Kéfir:

  1. Filtrer les grains de kéfir avec une passoire en plastique, et les déposer dans un saladier en verre avec le sucre, le citron coupé en rondelles et les fruits secs. Ajouter 1 L d'eau, recouvrir d'un torchon propre et laisser reposer 24h..
  2. Après 24h, lorsque les fruits secs sont remontés à la surface, filtrer la boisson avec une passoire en plastique, la verser dans une bouteille en verre à l'aide d'un entonnoir en plastique. Récupérer les grains de kéfir, les rincer et les stocker dans un pot en verre avec un peu d'eau..
  3. N'utiliser aucun ustensiles en métal pour préparer ou conserver la boisson et les grains de kéfir..
  4. Conserver la boisson et les grains au réfrigérateur. Consommer la boisson dans les 3 jours..

IPA(key): /kəˈfɪə(ɹ)/, /ˈkiːfə(ɹ)/, /ˈkɛfə(ɹ)/. kefir (uncountable). A fermented milk drink from the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, similar to yogurt but more liquidy. kefiran. kefir (plural kefirs). Water kefir is a beverage favored for both its fizzy flavor and impressive health benefits. Water kefir is not only delicious and easy to enjoy but also packed with health benefits and can be an excellent. Kefir is a cultured dairy product that helps to detoxify the body, clean out the digestive tract, boost Kefir is a health drink that has become known as modern day "magic milk" due to its many health.